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Tag: scientific meeting

YoPA Team meets the Scientific Advisory Board

November 2nd, 2023

On October 26th, YoPA’s team hosted and presented the project’s Scientific Advisory Board during the Scientific Partners meeting.

The board comprises accomplished experts in various health-related fields, serving as a guiding compass in matters of research best practices, ethics, and any other research-related inquiries. YoPA’s board proudly consists of five distinguished researchers from across the globe, as follows:

Deepti Adlaka, from the Technical University of Delft, in The Netherlands

Olga Sarmiento, from Andes University, in Colombia

Paul Estabrooks, from the University of Utah, in the United States of America

Shifala Goenka, from the Public Health Foundation of India

Tollulah Oni, from the University of Cambridge, in England

In the meeting, the YoPA team presented a brief of the project’s approach, methodologies and evaluation strategies, answered to some questions and received important insights from the board members who were present in this first meeting.

The YoPA team is grateful for the board’s commitment and availability in taking part of this project and look forward to a fruitful collaboration ahead!